About Me

What is Positive Psychology?

About Positive Psychology Coaching

Let me introduce myself...

I'm Tracy.

I'm a professional practitioner member of the Positive Psychology Guild and a graduate member of the British Psychology Society (Coaching Division). I have a Masters in Psychology and a Level 5 Diploma in Positive Psychology Coaching Practice. 

I've worked as a housing professional for over 20 years, supporting people through difficult life transitions. Many of my clients have already been through mental health services but found it hard to pick their lives back up after support ended. They had been offered emergency treatment but without the follow up 'emotional physiotherapy' to rebuild hopefulness and self-belief.

It felt there was a stage to the recovery process that was missing and I wanted to close this gap. 

With this goal in mind, I made the investment of undertaking a Masters in Psychology which was fascinating. Love of learning is one of my key strengths and I relished being back in that environment.

At the same time I was frustrated by the focus on mental ill-health. It still felt there was a stage to wellbeing that was missing. 

How do we get people beyond just managing or coping so that they can reach contentment and possibly start to flourish?

Positive Psychology was the missing piece of the puzzle and, with the addition of coaching skills, has given me the tools I need to put it all into action as a Positive Psychology Coaching Practitioner.

I split my time between coaching and my role as a housing officer and enjoy the diversity this brings. 

I also love creative writing. It is an important way for me to express myself. I am increasingly using this medium in my coaching work too, with journaling and narrative therapy techniques.

So What is Positive Psychology?

Positive psychology is a recent branch of psychology. Its aim is to consider how we can best lead happy, flourishing lives. It studies emotions and feelings and their effect on our thoughts and behaviours. The aim is to promote what is best in us through focusing on our strengths and building on what we can do. This is where it differs from 'psychology as normal' with its emphasis on fixing what is wrong.  Instead, positive psychology looks at ways to foster and nurture those intangible but essential feelings like hope, self-belief and compassion. 

Positive psychology covers topics such as positive experiences and emotions, wellbeing, authenticity, motivation, resilience and optimism.  In essence...

Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living.                            Christopher Peterson

How Do Positive 
Psychology and Coaching Work Together?

Positive psychology coaching is 
about finding what is positive in 
each of us and building on that. 
The focus is on moving forward 
rather than trying to fix the past. 

It is not counselling or psychotherapy, 
although it will go deeper than regular
coaching as it considers why certain life 
goals are important to you and if they 
are the right ones to support your wellbeing. 

It is not a 'cure all' but it does offer a 
set of tools that can help you reframe how 
you see the world and focus your energy in 
the right direction. Remember, change takes 
effort and you do need to put the work in, 
but I will be there alongside you, supporting you 
to keep to your commitments. 

We will explore your character strengths and values so you can use this self-knowledge to help recognise your authentic self. From this solid foundation you can see the changes you want to make more clearly. And when you understand what motivates you, you are in a much stronger place to achieve and maintain behaviour changes. The result is a positive mindset and confidence in your ability to reach your desired outcomes. All of which helps to create a life of positive wellbeing.

So if you want to...

Refocus your priorities

Add more colour and meaning in what you do.  

Build on what works

Recognise what brings you happiness and follow that in a way that works for you.

Rediscover your balance

Build your resilience and learn practical skills that can help you flourish. 

Get in touch 

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